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Catchment Land Use Environment Sustainability (CLUES) Model

Kaipara Catchment 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 
GIS Decision Support Tool. CLUES model received from NIWA (Sandy Elliott Hamilton & Annette Davis Auckland). Polygon layers for landuse classification, subcatchments, landcover database; lines for streams; world imagery raster; nitrogen leach risk raster. Socio-economic data includes FTE, GDP per sub-catchment units. Nutrient data includes N, P, Sediment concentrations, loads and yields. Also E. coli concentrations. 
Line , Polygon , Raster  
Woods et al. 2006. The CLUES Project. Predicting the effects of Landuse on Water Quality. Stage II. Prepared for MAF. 113 p.; Semandeni-Davis, A., Shankar, U., & Elliott, S. 2009. The CLUES Project: Tutorial Manual for CLUES2.0.6. Prepared for MAF. 146p. 