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J Lux; S M Beadel 2006. Natural Areas of Otamatea Ecological District: reconnaissance survey report for the Protected Natural Area Program. Wildlands Consultants Ltd.., Whangarei, NZ.

Natural Areas of Otamatea Ecological District: reconnaissance survey report for the Protected Natural Area Program. Wildlands Consultants Ltd. 
J Lux; S M Beadel 
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This report forms part of a series of reconnaissance survey reports for the Protected Natural Areas Programme (PNAP) in the Northland Conservancy of the Department of Conservation. It describes the significant natural areas of the Otamatea Ecological District within Northland Conservancy, and was surveyed during the summer of 2005/06. There has been no previous comprehensive survey and review of ecological information of this geographical area. This report therefore provides a significant information resource for the Department of Conservation, iwi, landowners, Kaipara District Council, Northland Regional Council, resource management planners, interest groups, and the general public to help conserve natural areas. The Northland Conservancy part of Otamatea Ecological District is a geologically diverse landscape of low rolling hills dissected by three inner arms of the northern Kaipara Harbour. On land, much of the original vegetation cover and wildlife habitat has been lost; however, the estuarine habitats are still relatively intact. Calm, mangrove-filled inlets, extensive mudflats, and small remnants of diverse coastal forest characterise the gentle, estuarine nature of this part of the Ecological District. The shallow intertidal areas are essential winter feeding grounds for many New Zealand waders, which migrate within New Zealand, as well as for large flocks of transequatorial migrant birds resident over summer. This study provides an objective assessment of the elements of nature that remain, protected and unprotected, their value as representative examples of our natural heritage, and their relative ecological significance. The focus of the Protected Natural Areas Programme is to provide this information and guidance. The challenge then is for the community to work collaboratively to protect and enhance these natural areas. The Otamatea (Northland Conservancy) PNAP survey report was prepared by Wildland Consultants Ltd under contract to the Department of Conservation. 
Long Term Objectives:
Ecological surveys--New Zealand--Northland Region--Otamatea Ecological District (NZ)--Kaipara--Biogeophysical