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Searching the ngā whakaputanga publications contained within is a similar process to searching Google. Simply type a word into the search box and the search engine will find all records that contain the word you specify.

Click on the title of any of the results to bring up more details of that ngā whakaputanga publication. The last column of the search result table will contain an indication of file type and approximate size if this publication is available to download. Click on this column to download a copy.

You can enter an individual word, or use the following operators:


dolphin OR abundance will bring up records that contain either word


dolphin AND abundance will bring up records that contain both words


dolphin NOT abundance will bring up records with dolphin but not abundance


dolphin NEAR abundance will bring up records where the words dolphin and plan are in close proximity to each other.

" "

"dolphin abundance" in quotes will bring back results with that exact phrase


Ampersand is the same as AND


This is the same as OR

Minus sign is the same as NOT


Using a space is the same as AND


The asterisk or wildcard is used to find forms of a particular word, by replacing possible word endings with an *, e.g. dophin* will bring up records that contain the words dolphin or dolphins.


Prefixing a word with + will ensure only that specific word is searched for, not the plural or any tenses.

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