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Management issues: Fish Stocks & Habitats


The Kaipara Harbour is New Zealand´s largest enclosed harbour and protected estuarine area and the second largest harbour in the world (Haggitt et al. 2008). It covers 743km2 and with over 3,000 km of coastline. The harbour mouth is 8km across where a substantial amount of sand accumulates as an ebb tidal delta. 

School fish

The Kaipara has a long history of customary, commercial and recreational fishing and has also long been recognised as an important nursery area for juvenile fish such as snapper, mullet, flounder and rig. Anecdotal information and local knowledge also recognises the Kaipara Harbour as a nursery ground for mako, hammerhead and great white sharks. Kaipara hapû readily refer to the Kaipara as their ‘food basket’ and family member. The Kaipara holds tremendous cultural significance to Ngâti Whatua hapû Te Uri o Hau and Ngâti Whatua o Kaipara.


The harbour constitutes a major inshore fishery, historically and currently, being exploited by Mâori in pre–European times and today dominated by local commercial fishers targeting flounder (mostly yellow–belly and sand flounder), grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) and rig (Mustelus lenticulatus). All species have with very different life history characteristics. Rig are capable to living more than 20 years and, like other sharks, have live young. Flounder only live for 3 to 5 years, are highly variable in population size from year to year due to natural influences and are very localised in their habitat use; grey mullet are capable to living up to 14 years with sexual maturity occurring around 3 years.


Most of the species caught in local fisheries are part of populations that range over a wider area than just the harbour. This is a complication for planning and management decision–making because it means that sizes of harbour populations are likely to be constantly changing due to natural fluctuations as well as fishing pressure. There is some information on the status of fish stocks in the Kaipara that has been obtained using a research technique called Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) – discussed further below.  


In New Zealand, all fishing is managed under the Fisheries Act 1996 governed by a input–control, quota management system (QMS) which was introduced in 1986 Every year a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) is set by the Minister of Fisheries. The TAC takes account of recreational and non–commercial customary fishing mortality and other types of mortality possibly derived from other types of fishing like illegal fishing, unreported or unregulated fishing. This is to ensure that all fishing occurs sustainably.

Species catch or bag limits, species maximum and minimum length and area–based restrictions also apply. Restrictions on fishing equipment (for example mesh size of nets used in the Kaipara must be wide enough to allow small fish to escape) and a variety of other limitations. 
Commercial fishing has a separate TAC known as a Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC). This is divided into Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ). Having an ITQ allows a fisher or company to catch that specific proportion of the TACC for a particular species stock. Such quotas provide the right in perpetuity to harvest. Stock areas are defined as Quota Management Areas (Figure 2) and are generally very large and basically coincide with the spatial distribution of a genetically defined stock. Once a QMA is established, it can only be changed with the agreement of the owners of at least 75% of the affected QMA, or if the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary to ensure sustainability.


Direct Fishing Impacts

(1) Declining biomass

There is evidence of an increasing problem with fish stocks within the harbour (KHSFMSG 2003; Hartill 2004; Paulin & Paul 2006; Haggitt et al. 2008). Especially noticeable are with species such as mullet and rig where an increasing proportion of the commercial catches within the QMAs for these species are coming from the Kaipara. Such a trend of increasing pressure on the harbour can eventually lead to a local depletion effect where all fishers (commercial and non–commercial) on the harbour may experience poor catch rates. 

Little research information is available on the status of Kaipara Harbour fish stocks – especially population sizes within the harbour. To understand population status to sustainably fish under the Fisheries Act requires an assessment of Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE). The assumption of this measure is that, if fishers are able to catch at least the same amount of fish over a time period using the same effort, the stock size is likely to be stable. However, there are uncertainties associated with use of the CPUE measure, such as it does not take into account changes in equipment technology (e.g. use of GPS, sounders) and fishing methods. If fishing becomes more efficient, the stock could be in decline, but show a stable CPUE. Such uncertainties mean it is not possible to conclusively determine whether Kaipara fish populations are being fished sustainably with the combined pressures of commercial, recreational and customary harvesting, plus a changing harbour ecosystem.

A National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) study (Hartill 2004) reporting on the status of commercial fishing of, flatfish, grey mullet and rig, in the Kaipara, found that catch rates have declined in recent years. The report did indicate increasing (commercial fishing) pressure, with a growing proportion of landings of each species originating from the Kaipara Harbour. 


(2) Demographic Changes

Demographic changes, or changes in target or non–target fish population characteristics (e.g. age, length), are the most obvious effects of fishing, especially for an overexploited population. While direct demographic changes have not been have not been scientifically quantified for many targeted fish stocks in the Kaipara, it is generally accepted that fishing: reduces the abundance of target species; changes the size and age structure of the populations through selective removal of larger, older individuals; and affects the spawning biomass and, with over–fishing, recruitment to the population (Botsford et al. 1997; Pitcher et al. 2000; Pitcher 2001; Pauly et al. 2002; Polunin 2002).

Historical and current evidence of this impact occurring has been observed and recorded, for example, for the West Coast North Island snapper (Pagrus auratus) SNA 8 stock in fish size and age compositions (Morrison et al. Submitted; Morrison et al. Unpubl. data)). Commercial catches in 1974/75 were composed of broad ranges in sizes of snapper, with 20−40% being over 20 years old and greater than 50% being between sizes of 40−60cm. Catches from 1988−90 contained few of these larger and older snapper, with the population now dominated by younger (4−8 years) and smaller (25−35cm) fish, with no evidence of population recovery as of the most recent comparable sampling in 2003/04.

Anecdotal evidence from local commercial flounder fishers also have noted the change in size of flounder being landed in the 30 years of fishing on the Harbour. They believe that the small mesh size of set nets used, is contributing to this demographic change in flounder populations within the Kaipara harbour.

(3) Bycatch

Bycatch is the catching of organisms that are not the primary fishing target. In most fisheries there is bycatch; including small individuals of the target species, or other species with little or no commercial value. The problem is widespread, and exaggerated by inefficient fishing practices, which may lead to high juvenile mortalities, and losses of non–commercial species. Additional issues can include reductions in fish quality (and hence economic returns), as from damage to target species in trawls with high levels of bycatch, and set netting when nets are left unattended and left to soak and fish overnight, or greater than 6 hours (the average netting time as tides turn) (KHSFMSG 2003).

(4) Spatial Conflict

Scarcity of some of the most sought after species has resulted in ongoing conflict between fishers themselves (KHSFMSG 2003, Peart 2007), recreational and customary fishers and also with fishers from other harbours and other non–fishing users of the harbour. Conflict exists over fishing method used and species targeted, such as trawlers operating outside the harbour along the coast applying heavy fishing effort to catch adult snapper. Harbour fishers have always believed trawling and Danish seining have significantly jeopardised the snapper population inside the harbour (Murton unpublished); an adult population being historically recorded as fished since Mâori arrived in the Kaipara. Thus, by targeted adult populations outside the harbour and subsequently damaging and modifying habitats, fishers believe trawlers affect the yield of other fishers who do not use such destructive gear.

Three different categories of relationship exist for fisheries in the Kaipara Harbour:

Trawling is the main method of fishing used to target snapper. Trawl effort has been found to be signficantly high adjacent to the entrance of the Kaipara.  Anecdotal evidence and historical information regarding the snapper population within and adjacent to the Kaipara harbour states there has been a significant decline in abundance and occurrence of snapper.

For the Kaipara there is clearly a strong local desire to address these local fisheries management issues. This situation is of particular concern to Mâori, who have indicated that they do not feel able to exercise their customary fishing rights. Under the Te Uri O Hau Deed of Settlement the Ministry of Fisheries is required to consult with the hapu and iwi of the Harbour. In a low income area such as the Kaipara, the state of the local fisheries is of significant concern to the community.

Local Management

The QMS is criticised for its inability to address local fisheries management issues. Processes to address such issues including the MFish conflict resolution process can be costly and time consuming; and the inability to meaningfully control local fisheries has long been a point of frustration for Kaipara Harbour communities.

A point of discontent from local fishers has been the ability for non–local fleets to fish witin the Harbour. Because QMAs, for example flatfish (FLA1), cover large areas, when fishing has declined on the east coast, fishers with access to quota can trail their boats across to the West Coast Harbours and shift their fishing effort. This can severely impact on localised fishing operations, especially when fish stocks become depleted from extra effort from non–local fishing operators. This situation acts as a strong disincentive for any local efforts to manage the health of the harbour and fisheries.

Formed in 2000, the Kaipara Harbour Sustainable Fisheries Management Study Group (KHSFMSG) has worked with the Ministry of Fisheries and the Kaipara District Council to address increasing conflict and depletion of fish stocks. The Group produced a strategy called Fishing for the Future and have identified a range of options to improve the management of the Kaipara fishery.  Included in this strategy is a proposal was to establish the Kaipara Harbour as its own QMA and a separate licencing regime. 
So far, the Ministry has adopted proposals in the strategy involving the temporary closure of scallop grounds in the harbour and removal of the regulation that had allowed “stalling” (nets being allowed to go dry at low tide). This is only a recreationally targeted fishery so does not have the same high level conflict as the other proposals. A recent review of the scallop closure has seen the scallop grounds being closed for another two years.  The scallop closure is now complete and the season is now 1st December to 31st March to reflect the East Coast scallop fishing regulations.
MFish sees the Kaipara Harbour Management group as providing a good forum (in conjunction with local fishers) to assess the need for other local management measures, such as a separate quota management area, that were proposed in Fishing for the Future.  

Climate Change

Understanding climate change impacts on fish stocks of the Kaipara is an important issue, particularly as information surrounding this is relevantly unknown, not only for the Kaipara Harbour, but also at other scales. A synthesis of climate change information concerning impacts to the marine environment stated that our understanding is very limited as a result of three major gaps in knowledge: (1) the lack of longterm time series of data to establish correlations with past environmental fluctuations; (2) little information on the resilience of habitat–forming species to variability in the environmental factors that will be affected by climate change (e.g. temperature, rainfall, sea level); and (3) a limited understanding of ecosystem structure and function and the relationships between the species and the environment (Willis et al. 2007).
We do know that estuarine and wetland habitats are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Both habitats are of particular significance to fisheries in the Kaipara Harbour as juvenile and adult fish feeding and spawning grounds. Kaipara Harbour seagrass meadows form an important component to the entire Kaipara estuarine ecosystem, as they have been shown to provide valuable community functions including food and nursery habitat for commercially and recreationally important fish, such as snapper and grey mullet, invertebrate habitat and food to waterfowl and other wading birds.
Seagrass meadows may adjust their pattern of distribution and relocate to areas they can tolerate, depending on salinity changes, growth, photosynthesis and propagule formation. Seagrass meadows are expected to be exposed to increasing stress from disease and fouling by epiphytes (Willis 2007).


As fishing can affect so many species and linkages in ecosystems, it must also threaten marine biodiversity in general. Biodiversity is declining and is a worldwide trend due to the destruction of habitat, harvesting and introduction of exotic pests, diseases and plants (Worm et al. 2006).
Biodiversity, or biological diversity, refers to the number and variety of living organisms. It includes diversity of species, between species and of ecosystems and the processes that maintain them. It also refers to genetic diversity, which is about the varied genetic make–up among individuals of a single species.

Most of New Zealand’s biodiversity is in the sea (MacDiarmid 2007). Diversity within marine ecosystems is important for stable function and productivity (Kenchington 2003). When a species of commercial importance becomes extinct, or are reduced to low levels, harvest pressure is often transferred to others with similar traits, and reverberates through the levels of species assemblages and ecosystems.

Diversity is hypothesised to buffer ecosystems from the impacts of large–scale environmental changes. Thus, any reduction in diversity could affect an ecosystem’s ability to withstand change, and may instead see it undergo a major shift in trophic structure, composition and function. Worm et al. (2006) conducted a meta–analysis of published data over the past 35 years, across varying scales and ecosystems (coastal, estuarine, large marine ecosystems) and up to 80 economically and ecologically important species. The analysis examined the effects of variation in marine biodiversity (genetic and species richness) on primary and secondary producers, resource use, nutrient cycling and ecosystem stability. Across regional scales, it was found that with declining diversity, rates of resource collapse increased and recovery potential, stability, and water quality decreased exponentially. The analysis suggested that substantial loss of biodiversity is closely associated with regional loss of ecosystem services, notably filtering and detoxification services provided by suspension feeders, marine vegetation (seagrass) and wetlands.

As part of the analysis Worm et al. (2006) reported on the ability to reverse the trend of declining biodiversity. 44 fully protected no–take areas and four large–scale fisheries closures from across the World, showed a general trend of increased biodiversity and ecosystem services. Fisheries productivity (measured in CPUE) increased fourfold in fished areas around the no–take area.

Biodiversity is important from an ecosystem–based management point of view because it is related to “resilience” or capacity to resist an impact or return to original conditions after the impact is removed. As a consequence, it is of interest to fisheries that the diversity of exploited habitats and the diversity of habitats and species in them is maintained and possibly enhanced as an “insurance” against negative consequences of future changes.

Loss of genetic diversity

By selectively removing older and larger individuals, fishing potentially alters the genetic structure of the exploited populations (Smith et al. 1991; Goni 1998; Hauser et al. 2002). Very few studies have been carried out on the loss of genetic diversity. A study of a population of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) off New Zealand, revealed that after a 70% reduction in the virgin biomass after 6 years of intense fishing, a positive correlation was observed between heterozygosity, growth rate, and size of individuals, suggesting that in virgin populations, the oldest and largest individuals are the most genetically diverse.

With the removal of larger and older individuals, reproductive output is reduced because age–at–first and size–at–first maturity is smaller. Even though spawning stock biomass remains in its thousands, the effective genetic population size is only hundreds. To study and demonstrate the changes in genetic diversity of overexploited or collapsed stocks in wild populations is often complicated by the lack of suitable populations for comparison (Hauser et al. 2002). Most commercially exploited species are fished wherever they occur, and thus comparisons between exploited and unexploited stocks are not possible. For the New Zealand snapper fishery there is evidence of a loss of genetic diversity. The northern North Island stock of snapper was compared with the stock of Tasman Bay in the South Island which has not been exploited and heavily fished at the same level as the northern stock (Hauser et al 2002). It was found that commercial fishing had selective genetic changes in exploited stocks and also caused reduced genetic diversity by genetic drift.   Thus very few individuals contribute successfully to the next generation, possibly in part explaining the often poor relationship between the size of the spawning stock and recruitment. This is an area of new research. Collaboration between fisheries biologists and molecular geneticists is needed to protect individuals that are most likely to reproduce successfully from overexploitation.

Reducing genetic diversity can affect a species ability to cope with environmental changes (e.g. climate change) and anthropogenic impacts. Genetic diversity is partitioned among and within populations. Genetic diversity provides the variation which is the raw material of evolution and thus has become an important element of conservation (Kenchington 2003).

Unhealthy mauri

Te Iwi o Ngâti Whatua are the Kaitiaki of the mauri and have been witness to the diminishing of te mauri (Environs Holdings Ltd. 2007) of the Kaipara. Increased siltation and narrowing of waterways, reduced waterflow, native habitat and associated biodiversity are all believed to be impacting on the health of the mauri and wairua of the Kaipara Harbour ecosystems and the different domains of Papatuanuku and Ranginui.
Examples of this have been cited in reports (Wright 1996, Environs Holdings Ltd 2007, Waitangi Tribunal 2006) and also in discussions with Kaipara Kaumatua, Kuia and Kaitiaki. It should be noted that there is a paucity of Mâori perceptions of the environmental degradation within the written historical record, and similar scarcity of information on Mâori views of Crown actions. Ngâti Whatua o Kaipara believe the mauri has been affected by continuing anthropogenic impacts over the past 200 years, such as ongoing resource extraction and use, landuse changes, deforestation and sandmining (Environs Holdings Ltd 2007). As a result, significant adverse cultural effects on Ngâti Whatua o Kaipara, notably Te Uri o Hau and Ngâti Whatua Ngâ Rima o Kaipara, have occurred. At its worst this has been a core factor in the physical alienation of the people from their whenua and moana.
Ngâti Whatua o Kaipara Kaitiaki believe any further effects that contribute to the cumulative stress on the ecosystems of the Kaipara, in particular fisheries and kaimoana beds, will have an adverse effect on the ability of haukainga to feed their families and manaaki their manuhiri (Environs Holdings Ltd 2007).

Landuse Activities

The impacts of run–off (usually composed of sediments, nutrients and other pollutants such as resides of pesticides like dioxin) from the land can have a significant influence on fish stocks, particularly on coastal and estuarine species. For example, in the Kaipara estuarine environment it is suspected that sedimentation has affected flatfish and shellfish stocks. Managing these impacts on fish stocks is currently outside the mandate of the Ministry of Fisheries but within the jurisdiction of regional councils (Peart 2007). As a result, Ministry of Fisheries essentially treats them as uncontrollable and external to the fisheries management system. In the past it has not researched such impacts, as the findings of the research would not directly link to a management action. However, this situation is now changing, which is described below.
Important and vulnerable habitats are found in the Kaipara Harbour that support commercial and recreationally important fish species. Juvenile fish and seagrass research carried out in the southern Kaipara harbour revealed high densities of juvenile snapper. The seagrass meadows support high abundances of juvenile snapper and trevally, with trevally being an order of magnitude more abundant than at any location previously surveyed in New Zealand. Also, intertidal seagrass meadows where found to support juvenile grey mullet. Such habitats are especially vulnerable to degradation in environmental conditions.
Managing land use–related impacts on fish stocks is outside the jurisdiction of the MFish and within the jurisdiction of Regional and District Councils. MFish is looking to use the new research information in several ways:
The Ministry is currently considering a range of research projects that build on the information obtained so far on the sediment–fisheries relationships. This includes one that involves identifying the location of all seagrass habitat in the Kaipara. This will further support efforts to reduce Kaipara Harbour sediment loads. .
With over 100 years of environmental degradation of the harbour, efforts urgently need to be focused on estuarine habitat management to ensure a healthy and productive Kaipara.


Botsford, L. W., J. C. Castilla & C. H. Peterson (1997). The management of fisheries and marine ecosystems. Science 277: 509–514.

Goni, R. (1998). Ecosystem effects of marine fisheries: an overview. Ocean & Coastal Management 40(1): 37–64.
Haggitt, T., S. Mead & M. Bellingham (2008). Review of environmental information on the Kaipara Harbour marine environment. Prepared for Auckland Regional Council by ASR Ltd and Coastal & Aquatic Systems Ltd. Auckland, NZ: 200.
Hartill, B. (2004). Characterisation of the commercial flatfish, grey mullet, and rig fisheries in the Kaipara Harbour. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report No. 2004/1: 23.
Hauser, L., G. J. Adcock, P. J. Smith, J. H. B. Ramirez & G. R. Carvalho (2002). Loss of microsatellite diversity and low effective population size in an overexploited population of New Zealand snapper (Pagrus auratus). PNAS 99(18): 11742–11747.
Kenchington, E. L. (2003). The Effects of Fishing on Species and Genetic Diversity. Responsible Fisheries in teh Marine Ecosystem. M. Sinclair & G. Valdimarsson. Rome, Italy
Wallingford, UK, FAO and CABI Publishing. 1: 235–253.
KHSFMSG (2003). Fishing for the future – a strategy for the fisheries of the Kaipara Harbour. Prepared by Kaipara Harbour Sustainable Fisheries Management Study Group. (Unpublished report, held by the Ministry of Fisheries, Auckland).
MacDiarmid, A., Ed. (2007). The Treasures of the Sea: Ngâ Taonga a Tangaro. A Summary of the Biodiversity in the New Zealand Marine Ecoregion., WWF NZ.
Morrison, M. A., B. M. Gillanders, C. Walsh, K. W. Webster, M. Lowe & M. P. Francis (Submitted). Linking juvenile fish nurseries in estuaries to coastal adult populations: why environmental degradation in estuaries matters. 33.
Morrison, M. A., B. M. Gillanders, C. Walsh, K. W. Webster, M. Lowe & M. P. Francis (Unpubl. data)). Linking juvenile fish nurseries in estuaries to coastal adult populations: why environmental degradation in estuaries matters. 33.
Paulin, C. D. & L. J. Paul (2006). The Kaipara mullet fishery: nineteenth–century management issues revisited. Tuhinga 17: 1–26.
Pauly, D., V. Christensen, S. Guenette, T. J. Pitcher, U. R. Sumaila, C. J. Walters, R. Watson & D. Zeller (2002). Towards sustainaility in world fisheries. Nature 418: 689–695.
Peart, R. (2007). Beyond the Tide. Integrating the management of New Zealand´s coasts. Auckland, NZ, Environmental Defence Society.
Pitcher, T. J. (2001). Fisheries managed to rebuild ecosystems: reconstructing the past to salvage the future. Ecological Applications 11: 601–617.
Pitcher, T. J., R. Watson, N. Haggan, S. Guenette, R. Kennish, U. R. Sumaila, D. Cook, K. Wilson & A. Leung (2000). Marine reserves and the restoration of fisheries and marine ecosystems in teh south China Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science 66(3): 543–66.
Polunin, N. V. C. (2002). Marine Protected Areas, Fish and Fisheries. Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries, Volume 2 Fisheries. P. J. B. Hart & J. D. Reynolds, Blackwell Publishing. 2: 293–318.
Smith, P. J., R. I. C. C. Francis & M. McVeagh (1991). Loss of genetic diversity due to fishing pressure. Fisheries Research 10: 309–316.
Willis, T. J., S.J. Handley, F.H. Chang, C.S. Law, D.J. Morrisey, A.B. Mullan, M. Pinkerton, K.L. Rodgers, P.J.H. Sutton, and A. Tait (2007). Climate change and the New Zealand marine environment: 88pp.
Worm, B., E. B. Barbier, N. Beaumont, J. E. Duffy, C. Folke, B. S. Halpern, J. B. C. Jackson, H. K. Lotze, F. Micheli, S. R. Palumbi, E. Sala, K. A. Selkoe, J. J. Stachowicz & R. Watson (2006). Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services. Science 314: 787–791.

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